Tuesday, 18 February 2014

6 Week body Transformation

6 weeks.
42 days of training.
6 tins of mackerel. 
30 salads. 
10 blog posts
And a whole barrel of fun later…

I have lost 24lbs in 6 weeks. I’m so proud of myself for not giving up! The changes I have made physically are noticeable, but the changes I’ve made mentally are astounding.

Here are the pics, the blue ones were taken on 7th Jan, the pink ones on 17th Feb.

I’m sleeping better, my skin is less disgusting, I’m calmer. I’m selling a pile of clothes on Ebay which are too big for me, and I’ve bought dresses, jeans, a top and a skirt in a size 16. I’m the lightest & smallest I’ve been in 6 years, at least. I would say that in total, since last March 2013, I’ve lost about 4 stone (25kg).

But the fun doesn’t stop now! My attitude to live has changed. I want to be healthier, I want to be thinner, and best of all, I’m prepared to work for it. I don’t want to reward myself with piles of disgusting food for getting this far. I know that I still have around 4.5 stone to lose. I’m not going to hop off the scales tonight and jump for a Dominos Pizza, but I am going to dive into a grilled steak & salad. And there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s healthy. 

A good friend of mine (who is also the fittest person I know, and knows a lot about sports & nutrition) told me that I will never be happy with my body, because I now know that there’s always room for improvement. I think I agree with him. But for now, that mild disgust at myself is driving me to keep going. 

I need to mention the wonderful people at Elite Physique Fitness. The trainers are inspirational, I have loved working with them. The support they provide is just enough, and they make you aware that it is YOU that has to put the hard work in to get the results you want. The training sessions were so varied and fun, I wish I could do the whole lot again. Here’s links to their Facebook and Website, so if you want to have a peek, or even join them, I would very much recommend it. 

The people I have met while being there have been supportive, friendly and a great bunch. I have had an amazing time, and seen some amazing results from the people around me, too. Thank you to Paul and Chris, and the whole team there. Your motivation and positive attitude is so beneficial. You've literally changed my outlook on life!

Here’s some pics of our training, and my lovely little group. 

Press ups!
I would like to point out the steamy mirror- yes this was post-workout. MMMMMM Sweat!

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Knee-dle in a haystack

Good news! I lost 2.5lbs this week. Whooooop! I also had to go and buy 2 new pairs of (size 16 ahem) jogging pants, because my normal ones fall down when I jump! 

It's great that these things are happening, I'm planning to sell a few of my bigger dresses just to get them out of the way, so I'm not tempted to ever fit into them again! I can't believe I only got to wear this once: 

I bought this dress from Wallis in 2 sizes, L and XL, and I sent the L back! Wish I hadn't now.  

Can't wait to buy a whole new wardrobe! I'm trying to hold off on spending, until I know I'm at a size I'll be happy with. The day my boobs fit into a 14 will be a happy one :) 

1 Week to go until my first target of 2014, which was to lose 20lbs in 6 weeks, I've got 0.5lbs to go. I'm already planning my next target (and my first glass of red wine of 2014- ha!) and how I'm going to achieve it. 

My bad knee is feeling better, but my good knee is now in agony. I am gutted at how painful it is. I'm going to go easy on the running this week, and now both my knees are srapped up every time I exercise. The advice I've been given is to take Glucosamine to help my joints. 

The eating plan is still going to plan, although I am craving a bit of variety. It's wonderful knowing what you are going to eat every day, but I'm missing my free will a little, even something super healthy like a home made veggie soup would be nice. But no one said it would be easy! 1 more week to go, I can do it! 

Check out this little treat I got for myself! Cookies and Cream flavoured protein, can't wait to finish my shitty strawberry one! 

As a final little remark, I stole this from Facebook the other night... A little bit of runner's pride/ shame:

Tuesday, 4 February 2014


This week I was faced with something I hadn't realised before... It was a massive shock to me. 

I'm huge. 

I have known I've been obese for years now, but I have had 'phases' where I've lost weight (at the most, about 3stone) and people told me I looked good. I didn't. I was still obese. I was still huge. How had I not seen this before?  

I went looking through old pictures on Facebook to see if I could find some times in my life when I was a little thinner, but all I found was lots of horrid pictures of me, demonstrating my years of struggling with weight. This blog post is a sort of funeral for my horrible thoughts and my plus size clothing.

March 2013- Probably my heaviest. I had given up and bought plus size clothes and was willing to deal with it.

My year abroad saw lots of drinking, and very little McFit (that was my gym's name)! 
Karneval in Cologne- trying to find costumes was tricky because of my size. Didn't stop me eating Döner and drinking Kölsch & cocktails the entire week :)

June 2011- My 21st Birthday. Just freshly back from my year abroad, I had piled on the weight from eating delicious German food.

June 2012- my 22nd birthday. 6 months into my Slimming World plan, I had lost 3 stone, but I didn't feel healthy. Soon enough I gave up and regained the weight super quickly. 

Graduation. Lighter, slightly thinner than my fattest, but not great. 

November 2012- 6 months into my 9-5 sitting at my desk job was clearly taking it's toll on me. 

Both above and below are March 2013, when I decided I would start running, and stop giving up on life and eating rubbish 
I had very much given up at this point, and this dress was probably the most hideously fat thing I owned. It depressed me so much. 

This photo is just funny. I thought you might like to see it.

Having realised that now is very much the time to move on from all this, I am waving goodbye to this chapter in my life. I've lost 5lbs (!!!!) this week, which means I'm 3lbs from my 1st target of 2014 (which is my 6 week target- 20lbs).

I thought I'd share one last picture with you. This is one I took on Saturday for my cousin's wedding. Goodbye fat pics, hello healthy progress pics. 

I know it's not much, but I'm going in the right direction. I am fully aware of how far I have to go. I think most of the size loss is down to the amazing trainers I have from Elite Physique Fitness and the amazing training/ transformation programme I have been on. 

Onwards and upwards. 

I'm nowhere near done.